Monday, September 17, 2007

countdown to jena

It is getting closer to Sep 20 2007 will be the date when thousands are expected to descend upon Jena, Louisiana in support of the Jena six. Those who are unable to go have been ask to wear all black for the jena six. I will be doing that. Many people have heard the news that the conviction of mychal bell for aggravated assault had been thrown out by a 3rd circuit court of Appeals court in Louisiana because at the time of the incident he was a minor, and had decided that the rally was no longer necessary because of this, but the District Attorney Reed Walters is appealing the Appeals court's decision. If he loses the appeal, Mychal Bell is far from out of the woods because he will still be ajudicated by the juvenile court system, and also the other five young men were 17 so they can be tried as adults which could mean possibly years in prison if convicted. Rev Al Sharpton, Warren Balentine who is the people's attorney, and Michael Baisden understand this and know that the rally has to be intensified. In the past few days, they have alerted the public that there is no time to celebrate the work has just begun. The rally is all about shing light on Jena to put pressure on the district attorney to dropped all the charges and let the young men go free because they shouldn't be serving time for a school yard fight. all charges dropped would be justice in my book. anything less is unacceptable.

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